I am 24 now and left home because I got a well-paying job as a planner. They refused for me to speak to her and shunned her entirely from our lives. So I couldn’t get any contact with her until recently where my one grand-uncle took care of her then he sadly passed away. I hunted the streets and everywhere until I contacted everyone I knew and didn’t know to speak with her. When I found her she Darth Vader And-Baby Yoda Best Dad Love You I Do Love Olivia Vintage Womens Shirt hugged and cried, we both did. She now lives with me and we both cutting my parents out. He went to church and preached forgiveness and they fucking knew what he’d done. So I am out of their lives. I now have to send the poor thing to rehab and help her build her life back. Fuck god, fuck churches, and fuck their book too full of homophobia. I am so pissed off man. I am straight and have lots of gay friends and shit and it’s fine because its normal, not like some fucking book written 2000 years ago. FUCK RELIGION.
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Frankly, I still use thank god as an expression. It’s more of a phrase of mind than actually thanking an actual god. Sometimes I’ll say praise Allah or thank buddha too. Just anDarth Vader And-Baby Yoda Best Dad Love You I Do Love Olivia Vintage Womens Shirt expression. If that was a quick quip and I got whooshed my apologies, just thought I would throw my pennies at a wall. Thank the Dark Lord” always gets a few looks. Nerds will assume Harry Potter, so I can avoid them. Evangelicals will scowl, so I can avoid them. But then I’ll get a few apathetic chuckles, and those are my people. OP is definitely a better person than his hypocritical shitbag dad.
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Not saying you’re wrong, but the bible also quotes Jesus as saying “Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law against Darth Vader And-Baby Yoda Best Dad Love You I Do Love Olivia Vintage Womens Shirt mother-in-law.” According to OP’s dad’s own book, he also only partially stuck to scripture by not following through and stoning his daughter. But I agree OP is definitely a better person than their hypocritical shitbag dad!!
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