I was watching on the Original Jesus Love You But I Don’t Go Fuck Yourself Shirt span channel on cable and they brought in callers after. One woman went on about it and I just lost it. Like, that’s unpresidential, but talking over Biden is totally fine. They were both interruptive. However, Trump was to a greater extent. He was a complete buffoon. To think, this is the highest office in our land, and the person sitting in it can’t debate ideas. He just steamrolls and bullies. It makes me wonder about how those who have military ties feel about that. My household screamed. We were elated to hear him say that. I’ve seen it. It was disrespectful to tell a guy.
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Who’s been calling Original Jesus Love You But I Don’t Go Fuck Yourself Shirts him, Sleepy Joe, to shut up. They like Trump because he insults others, but when someone insults Trump. Which is refreshing to see. Trump supporters are the biggest pearl-clutching snowflakes out there. Yeah, Biden will be called inappropriate but the man who mocks disabled people and calls vets losers and suckers are appropriate. Oh my word, how could he speak to such a man so. Honey, get my pearls so I may clutch them tightly. You could tell Biden beat the out of Paul Ryan when all republicans could say after the debate was to at Biden was disrespectful.
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