There are literally only 3 things anyone needs to know about deflate-gate. Third, it was raining ice that day. Cold temperature compresses air pressure. More than just chasing her dreams, she took the struggle she was going through – being a single parent, being on welfare benefits, death of her mother, and fighting depression and I Am A Big Fan Of Handsome Man Lee Bruce Be Like Shirt channeled that into a story that has inspired people going through similar situations like yourself and a generation of people. I just reread the books during this quarantine and they still are just as magical.
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Natalie McDonald was actually my cousin. We are very close to her family. She was 7 years old when this happened. This was only when the 3rd book was out and she was hoping to live long enough to read the whole series. A family friend of theirs reached out to JK Rowling, but JK was on holiday when the letter was I Am A Big Fan Of Handsome Man Lee Bruce Be Like Shirt received by her secretary. As soon as JK heard about Natalie she sent the unfinished manuscript for the 4,5,6 books and the plot outline for the 7th to Natalie’s family. This was when leaks about HP were huge deals, and she sent the whole shebang to the family. Unfortunately it arrived 1 day after Natalie passed. the family remains very close with JK. Sad days, but it makes my heart warm every time I read her name in that book. RIP Natalie. you were loved and are missed.
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Natalie’s father is my former boss. We were on a business trip in the UK and at some point passed by King’s Cross station. Naturally, Harry Potter came up and I proceeded to tell him about how much my wife loves Harry Potter and how she got me into the movies despite my protestations. Following my boring story, the boss tells me he has an interesting story about Harry Potter that he would tell me over dinner. I Am A Big Fan Of Handsome Man Lee Bruce Be Like Shirt JK Rowling sounds like a truly kind individual. I believe that after Natalie’s passing, she invited her family plus a few of her close friends to attend a meet and greet prior to a book launch. Sorry for your loss. It’s very difficult to lose a loved one, especially so young. And, wow. Props to JK
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