Whether you agree with it or not, some men have taken offense to the things said and the ideas being pushed by the recent Gillette advertisement. With these feelings being brought to light on social media I’ve started to see many different instances of I’m Sorry If I Offended You With My Common Sense Shirt women criticizing the feelings of these men stating that “they should only be offended if they are the toxic male audience that Gillette is criticizing” and it drives me mad. Why can every other group of people feel offended but when straight males are targeted and feel as if they are being unfairly portrayed it is socially acceptable to mock these claims for internet clout? Why can’t men feeling offended by something be considered legitimate?
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Now I know that Gillette’s intent with the ad was made with good intent however I feel as if the delivery was a bit heavy-handed and feel that they deserve the criticism. Sorry for the rant. Edit: I get off work and check my phone and wow this got an I’m Sorry If I Offended You With My Common Sense Shirt lot of attention. HOLY SHIT PLATINUM THANK YOU, KIND STRANGER! This also feeds into the overmedication of young children (particularly boys). Fighting is wrong but natural. Children (particularly boys) fight. That’s what “boys being boys” means.
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They only said they were donating 3 million after they caught backlash. They didn’t say, “We’ve always been committed.” but something more like we are committed and now will be donating money to I’m Sorry If I Offended You With My Common Sense Shirt the betterment of young men. Also, if you look at it all the antagonists are white males and most of the protagonists are POC. Weird right? That surely wasn’t a conscious decision… it couldn’t have been. (I’m dark-skinned Asian if anyone thinks I’m white.)
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