People said the exact same thing about Gates. They don’t just have stacks of billions of dollars of cash. Their money is tied up in the business they incidentally own a huge percentage of. If he started selling all of his stocks, it’d cause the price to plummet due to supply and Love Makes The World Go Around But Redheads Make It Worth The Trip Shirt demand. Bill Gates for the last decade or so has been liquidating his shares in Microsoft. For another honesty. In other words, him giving that money to solve ‘world hunger’ wouldn’t result in it actually happening. the money would change hands but hunger would remain.
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He literally cannot. Having a net worth is not the same as having liquid value. In order for Bezos to cash out, he would have to have people buy his shares in Amazon which fucking nobody is going to do because nobody could even land a drop in the bucket of what his shares are worth. He literally cannot Thanos snap hunger out of Love Makes The World Go Around But Redheads Make It Worth The Trip Shirt the world. Does it fucking matter what his motives are when the products themselves are clearly benefiting the world? Or will eventually if it can progress.
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I don’t question what motives drove the guy who invented the toaster. But I still use his product. I’m not saying you shouldn’t support his companies (although I don’t know how you even can if you’re not rich), but people paint him as a hero and Love Makes The World Go Around But Redheads Make It Worth The Trip Shirt I don’t know if that’s the correct thing to do. You mean those warehouse workers forced to pee in bottles to make their time requirements or else get fired? Not much of a “choice” when it’s either work or die.
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Shee –
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Sean –
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Richard (verified owner) –
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Catherine (verified owner) –
I bought this shirt mainly because I really wanted one with this color pattern and this one was a very good price. Looks great on him.
Aoise Herron (verified owner) –
The fabric and the quality of the shirts are very good, very comfortable, and well made. Thicker and softer than expected, and they fit him great.
Angel (verified owner) –
My 11 year old said this was his favorite and most comfortable sweatshirt he has! It fits him well. It did wash well.
Angel (verified owner) –
Better value then what I saw at other places.