. Sort of. They tried to use their cotton exports as leverage. Not so much against the Northern States, but against the European markets. They accounted for ~75% of the world’s cotton production at the time. So they issued a Rip And Tear Vintage Shirt sort of unofficial embargo on cotton exports to pressure England and France into helping them win independence. Unfortunately for them, Europe had a bulging surplus of cotton in 1860.
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So they didn’t truly feel the crunch until the war was in its second year. This gave them time to find secondary sources of cotton in India and Egypt. In the end, the South would suffer from a loss of their usual profits from cotton, and also a Rip And Tear Vintage Shirt stubbornness from planters that refused to stop growing cash crops such as cotton and tobacco in order to produce foodstuffs to feed their armies and civilians. Nothing like a movement looking to profit off selfishness failing because everyone is selfish and looking to profit.
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I grew up in a small town, around 500 people. We had a baseball team in my sophomore year and I played (small school = if you go out for a sport you’re on the team). I split time at second base with one of the guys that pitched. I went up for it but it sailed out to right-center. After the inning, I went into the dugout and the coach looked at me and held his thumb and finger about an inch and a Rip And Tear Vintage Shirt half apart. I said, “Yeah, I almost had it.” He said, “No, that’s how far you got off the ground.”
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