EDIT: So my comments on this seems to have upset some people …FWIW I would sum up my opinion over this thread as having a kid isn’t a guarantee someone will get the kid they want and if they aren’t prepared for the fact (that the kid will be an individual with their own personality and struggles) then they shouldn’t have the kid. Once that horse is Dream Theater Progressive Metal Band 35th Anniversary 1985-2020 Member Signature Shirt out of the gate – ya they should walk – but it makes them a shitty person. Not saying a bad parent should stay- just saying kids deserve better.
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Men will walk away from their kids because they don’t feel like doing laundry. So many people here giving explanations about how hard this kind of situation is, basically sympathizing with the mom. Imagine if this was a heavy metal mom and her son or daughter who said the father had walked out on them, I doubt they’d be giving such elaborate explanations for it. I don’t condone walking out on your kids. I don’t condone arguments about gender. But I am saying that when arguments about walking out on your kids become about gender, statistically men will lose. And women will take a lap around that statistic loss a few times before the day is over.
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So, cool! But a woman does the same thing to her disabled son and she’s a “monster?” It’s pretty hard to cast judgment without more information. It’s entirely possible that she knew that she couldn’t handle the situation and that staying would do more harm than good. Not everyone is cut out for this kind of thing, and sometimes such a Dream Theater Progressive Metal Band 35th Anniversary 1985-2020 Member Signature Shirt departure is ultimately better for all parties involved. Nuclear families aren’t a requirement and are not always the best. Source: I’m an Autistic person who would be a lot worse off if my parents had stayed together.
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